If you have experienced difficulty getting proper sleep or sleeping for the entire evening or you wake up too soon or experience considerable difficulties waking up, you may have one of the following sleeping problem.Below are only a few disorders mentioned, sleep disorderlist is endless.

Overview of Sleep Problems

Sleep problems in children

Adolescents and children need no less than nine hours of sleep. Sleeping problems or lack of sleep can have a negative effect on the child. Lack of proper performance in school, extracurricular exercises and social bonding.


Even over sleeping has physical side effects. Consult before it’s too late.


Occasional snoring is normally not an intense issue, but is only an aggravation part for your bed partner. If you are a continual snorer, you not just disturb the rest pattern of those near you, however will impede your own rest pattern as well.


Parasomnias are troublesome sleep disorders that can happen amid feelings of excitement from REM rest or feeling of excitement from non-REM rest. Parasomnias incorporate perplexity feelings of excitement, bad dreams, night fear, sleepwalking and numerous others.

Nightmares in adults

When you wake up unnerved from an exasperating bad dream, you may think yourself to be the only adult who has this problem. All things considered, aren’t grown-ups expected to outgrow bad dreams?

Night Terrors

Night terror symptoms are usually found in children. Its symptoms include fear during sleep, intense crying, with difficulty arousing the child.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea can affect your life, so get rid of it before it’s too late.

Central Sleep Apnea

In central sleep apnea, breathing is disrupted regularly during sleep because of the way the brain functions.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.


Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness

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