
Ucol Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Mechanism of Action, How Long Does it Take to Work? Ucol is a brand name. Its generic name is Tolterodine.


Ucol is a medication used to treat bladder problems such as difficulty in urination. It works by blocking certain kinds of muscle contractions in the bladder, thus allowing more urine to be released. It can also decrease the number of urinary accidents caused by overactive bladder.

Uses For

Ucol is used to treat bladder problems such as difficulty in urination, urinary frequency, and lack of control over urination (urge incontinence). It may also be used to reduce the number of urinary tract infections in people with an overactive bladder.

Mechanism of Action

Ucol works by blocking the action of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that stimulates the bladder muscles. By blocking acetylcholine, tolterodine relaxes the bladder muscle, and this allows more urine to pass through.

How Long Does It Take To Work?

Ucol usually begins to work in a few hours, but some people may not see the full effects for up to a week.


Ucol is well-absorbed after oral administration. The maximum concentrations of the active metabolite of tolterodine, 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine, is reached about 2 hours after administration.

Route of Elimination

Ucol and its active metabolite, 5-hydroxymethyl tolterodine are eliminated primarily through the urinary tract. Approximately 80% of the dose is excreted as either unchanged tolterodine or its active metabolite.


The usual dose for adults is 2 mg twice daily with food. This can be adjusted depending on the individual’s response and tolerance to the medication. The maximum dose is 4 mg per day. Ucol should not be used by children under the age of 18, and is not recommended for older adults.


Ucol should be taken orally with food, and should be taken at the same time each day. It should be taken on a full stomach.

Side Effect

Common side effects of tolterodine include dry mouth, dizziness, and blurred vision. Other more serious side effects can include irregular heartbeat, weakness, and fainting.


Ucol is usually well-tolerated, but it is possible for an overdose to occur. Symptoms of an overdose can include extreme drowsiness, slowed breathing, and coma. If an overdose is suspected, seek medical attention immediately.


Ucol should not be taken with other medications that contain anticholinergics, as this may increase the risk of side effects. Notify your doctor if you have any heart problems, or if you have a seizure disorder or a bladder obstruction, as tolterodine may not be suitable.


Ucol should not be taken with antacids, or with medications that contain anticholinergics. Tell your doctor about all other medications you are taking, as well as any supplements, herbal remedies or over-the-counter drugs.

Disease Interaction

Ucol should not be taken if you suffer from certain liver diseases, or if you have glaucoma. If you suffer from any disease, it is important to inform your doctor before taking tolterodine.

Drug Interaction

Ucol may interact with certain drugs, including antacids, other tolterodine products, and medications containing anticholinergics. It is important to let your doctor know of all the medications and supplements you are currently taking before starting tolterodine.

Food Interactions

Ucol should be taken with food to help increase its absorption. Avoid taking tolterodine with alcohol or grapefruit juice, as this can cause side effects.

Pregnancy Use

Ucol should not be used during pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. Speak with your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding.

Lactation Use

It is not known if tolterodine passes into breast milk. If you are breastfeeding, speak with your doctor before taking tolterodine.

Acute Overdose

Signs of an overdose include extreme drowsiness, slowed breathing, and coma. Seek medical attention immediately if an overdose is suspected.


Ucol should not be taken if you have certain liver diseases, glaucoma, or if you are taking antacids or other tolterodine products. It should also be avoided in children under the age of 18, and in patients over the age of 65.

Use Direction

Take tolterodine exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Do not take more or less than the recommended dose. Take it with food to help increase its absorption, and take it at the same time each day.

Storage Condition

Keep tolterodine in a sealed container at room temperature, away from moisture, heat, and light.

Volume of Distribution

The plasma volume of distribution of tolterodine is approximately 0.4L/kg.

Half Life

The half-life of tolterodine is 8 hours.


The clearance of tolterodine is approximately 6.9 mL/min/kg.

Here you find in details version of Ucol

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Ucol

What is Ucol?

Ucol is a prescription medication used to treat symptoms of an overactive bladder, including the frequent urge to urinate, feeling the need to urinate frequently or urgently, and leaking of urine. It works by decreasing muscle spasms of the bladder.

What brand names are available for Ucol?

Ucol is available under the brand names Detrol, Detrol LA, and Uromax.

What is the most important information I should know about Ucol?

Ucol may cause drowsiness or blurred vision. If affected, do not drive or engage in activities that require alertness. Avoid drinking alcohol as this may increase the drowsiness and dizziness.

Is Ucol safe to use during pregnancy?

There are no adequate studies done on Ucol to determine its safety during pregnancy. Consult your doctor before taking this medication if you are pregnant or if you become pregnant while taking Ucol.

What should I do if I forget a dose?

If you forget a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is close to your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Do not double up the dose.

What are the side effects of Ucol?

Common side effects of Ucol include dry mouth, headache, fatigue, constipation, stomach upset, nausea, and dizziness. Seek medical attention if any of these side effects become severe.

Does Ucol interact with other medications?

Ucol may interact with some medications and supplements, especially antifungals, antibiotics, or antidepressants. Tell your doctor about all medications and supplements you are taking to avoid a drug interaction.

Can I take Ucol if I have kidney disease?

Ucol is not recommended in patients with severe kidney impairment. Your doctor will decide the best treatment option for you.

Can I take Ucol with other bladder control medications?

Do not take other bladder control medications along with Ucol. Consult your doctor if you are taking any bladder control medication.

Can I take Ucol if I have glaucoma?

Ucol may worsen glaucoma symptoms. Consult your doctor before taking Ucol to determine if it is safe for you to take.

Is Ucol safe for long-term use?

Ucol is generally safe for long-term use when taken as recommended by your doctor. Consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns about long-term use of Ucol.

Does Ucol cause weight gain?

Ucol has not been shown to cause weight gain, but it is possible that certain side effects, such as fatigue and constipation, may lead to an increase in appetite and a subsequent weight gain.

Should I avoid certain foods while taking Ucol?

Ucol is not known to interact with specific foods, but you should talk to your doctor to determine which foods and beverages you should avoid while taking Ucol.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Ucol?

It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking Ucol as it may increase the side effects of the medication and decrease its effectiveness.

Should I take Ucol on an empty stomach?

Ucol can be taken with or without food. Taking it with food may reduce stomach upset.

Is Ucol a controlled substance?

Ucol is not a controlled substance. However, it is a prescription medication and should be used as directed by the prescribing doctor.

Does Ucol cause insomnia?

Insomnia has not been reported as a common side effect of Ucol. If you experience insomnia while taking Ucol, contact your doctor.

Can I take other medications while taking Ucol?

You should discuss all medications you are taking with your doctor before beginning Ucol, to avoid potential interactions. Be sure to tell your doctor about any herbal supplements, non-prescription drugs, or any other medications you are taking.

Will Ucol help with night-time urination?

Ucol may help to reduce the frequency of night-time urination, but it is not intended to treat this symptom.

Should I stop taking Ucol if I no longer experience bladder symptoms?

If your bladder symptoms have been resolved, you should still continue taking Ucol as prescribed. If you are unclear about how long you should take Ucol, consult your doctor.

Is Ucol an anticholinergic medication?

Yes, Ucol is an anticholinergic medication. Anticholinergic medications work by blocking certain nerve signals that cause muscle spasms or other involuntary movements.

What is the usual dosage of Ucol?

The usual recommended dosage of Ucol is 2 mg twice daily. However, your doctor will determine the best dosage for you based on your medical condition.

Can I take Ucol with other types of medications?

Ucol should not be taken with other medications that act on the bladder, such as oxybutynin and solifenacin. Discuss all medications you are taking with your doctor before beginning Ucol.

If I am taking Ucol, can I still go swimming?

Yes, you can still go swimming while taking Ucol. However, you should keep in mind that Ucol may cause side effects such as dizziness or drowsiness, and swimming in these conditions may pose a safety risk.

What should I do if I experience muscle spasms after taking Ucol?

Muscle spasms can be a side effect of Ucol. If you experience severe muscle spasms, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

What are the most common side effects of Ucol?

The most common side effects of Ucol are dry mouth, headache, fatigue, constipation, stomach upset, nausea, and dizziness. Consult your doctor if any of these side effects become severe or if they persist.

Can Ucol cause difficulty urinating?

Ucol is designed to reduce the frequency of urination and can sometimes cause difficulty urinating. If you experience difficulty urinating while taking Ucol, contact your doctor.

Is Ucol available as an over-the-counter medication?

No, Ucol is not available as an over-the-counter medication. It is available as a prescription medication and should be taken as directed by your doctor.

Can I take Ucol if I am breastfeeding?

It is not known if Ucol passes into breastmilk. Therefore, it is recommended that you not take Ucol if you are breastfeeding.

What should I do if I experience side effects from taking Ucol?

If you experience any side effects while taking Ucol, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor will determine if any further medical attention is required.

Can I take antacids while taking Ucol?

It is not recommended to take antacids while taking Ucol. Antacids may reduce the effectiveness of the medication. Consult your doctor for more information.

Can Ucol cause blurred vision?

Blurred vision is a common side effect of Ucol. If you experience blurred vision while taking Ucol, contact your doctor.

Is Ucol a narcotic medication?

No, Ucol is not a narcotic medication. It is an anticholinergic medication used to treat symptoms of an overactive bladder.

Can Ucol be taken with other anticholinergic medications?

No, Ucol should not be taken with other anticholinergic medications. Consult your doctor for more information.

Does Ucol interfere with my bladder control?

Ucol is not known to interfere with bladder control. It is used to reduce the frequency of bladder muscle contractions, which can help to improve bladder control.

Can I take Ucol if I have a catheter in place?

Yes, it is safe to take Ucol if you have a catheter in place. However, you should talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to take.

Can Ucol cause constipation?

Constipation is a common side effect of Ucol. If you experience severe constipation while taking Ucol, contact your doctor as soon as possible.

What should I do if I experience severe dry mouth while taking Ucol?

Dry mouth is a common side effect of Ucol, but if it becomes severe or uncomfortable, contact your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may recommend a saliva substitute or other measure to help manage your dry mouth.

Can I take Ucol while taking diuretics?

Yes, it is safe to take Ucol while taking diuretics. However, you should talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to take both medications.

Can I take Ucol if I have diabetes?

Yes, it is safe to take Ucol if you have diabetes. However, your doctor may need to adjust the dosage of insulin or other diabetes medications while taking Ucol.

Can I take Ucol while taking antibiotics?

Yes, it is safe to take Ucol while taking antibiotics. However, you should talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to take both medications.

Can I take Ucol while taking antifungal medications?

No, it is not recommended to take Ucol while taking antifungal medications due to potential drug interactions. Talk to your doctor about other treatment options for your condition.

Can I take Ucol while taking blood pressure medications?

Yes, it is safe to take Ucol while taking blood pressure medications. However, you should talk to your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you to take both medications.

Can I take Ucol while taking antidepressant medications?

No, it is not recommended to take Ucol while taking antidepressant medications due to potential drug interactions. Talk to your doctor about other treatment options for your condition.

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