
Dexibu Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Mechanism of Action, How Long Does it Take to Work? Dexibu is a brand name. Its generic name is Dexibuprofen.


Dexibu is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), which is used for relief of pain and inflammation. It belongs to the class of drugs called COX-2 inhibitors, which reduces pain and inflammation. Dexibu was approved by the US FDA in July 2017.


Dexibu is used to treat moderate to severe pain, inflammation and stiffness associated with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions such as bursitis, tendinitis, and joint pain. It is also used to treat headaches, menstrual cramps, and other common pains.

Mechanism of Action

Dexibu works by blocking the action of cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme involved in the production of substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are responsible for causing inflammation, pain, and swelling. By blocking the enzyme, Dexibu blocks the production of these prostaglandins, thereby reducing the pain and inflammation caused by the affected condition.

How long does it take to work?

The effects of Dexibu typically begin to take effect within 30 minutes to an hour after taking the drug. The drug may take up to 8 hours to show its full effects of relieving pain and inflammation.


Dexibu is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The peak serum levels of the drug occur approximately 1-2 hours after oral administration.

Route of Elimination

Dexibu is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine and feces.


The typical recommended dosage of Dexibu is 400 to 800 mg per day, taken orally in divided doses (usually, twice a day). The dose may be increased or decreased based on the patient’s response to the medication.


Dexibu is available in oral tablets and capsules, as well as in a liquid suspension. The tablets and capsules should be taken with a glass of water once or twice a day, as directed by the doctor. The liquid form of Dexibu should be taken with food or after meals.

Side Effect

Some of the common side effects of Dexibu include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, indigestion, headache, dizziness, and diarrhea. Serious side effects such as bloody or black, tarry stools, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and weakness in the arms and legs have also been reported.


High doses of Dexibu can lead to severe liver or kidney damage and even cause death. Regular monitoring of liver function tests is recommended in patients taking Dexibu. If any signs of liver or kidney damage appear, the dose of Dexibu should be reduced or stopped immediately.


Dexibu should be used with caution in patients with a history of asthma, stomach or intestinal ulcers, kidney or liver disease, bleeding disorders, or any other medical condition. It should not be used by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. People taking blood thinning medications should also avoid taking Dexibu.


Dexibu may interact with other medications, such as antacids, diuretics, ibuprofen, aspirin, anticoagulants, and other NSAIDs. It is important to tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking before taking Dexibu.

Disease Interaction

Dexibu may interact with certain diseases, such as asthma, gastrointestinal ulcers, kidney or liver disease, or any other medical condition. People with these diseases should use Dexibu with caution and monitor their condition closely.

Drug Interactions

Dexibu may interact with other medications, such as antacids, diuretics, ibuprofen, aspirin, anticoagulants, and other NSAIDs. It is important to tell your doctor about any other medications you are taking before taking Dexibu.

Food Interactions

Dexibu may interact with certain foods, such as dairy products, alcohol, and spicy foods. It is best to avoid these foods while taking Dexibu to minimize any potential interactions.

Pregnancy Use

Dexibu should be used with caution during pregnancy and should only be used if the potential benefits outweigh the risks to the baby. It is not recommended for pregnant women due to the potential for fetal damage or harm.

Lactation Use

Dexibu should not be used while breastfeeding as it can pass into breast milk.

Acute Overdose

An overdose of Dexibu can cause serious side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness, confusion, dizziness, fainting, respiratory depression, and death. If an overdose is suspected, seek medical attention immediately.


Dexibu should not be used in patients with a known hypersensitivity to ibuprofen or other NSAIDs. Patients with a history of asthma, stomach or intestinal ulcers, bleeding disorders, kidney or liver disease, or any other medical condition should also avoid using Dexibu.

Use Directions

Dexibu should be taken exactly as prescribed by the doctor. The tablets and capsules should be taken with a full glass of water once or twice a day, as directed. The liquid form of Dexibu should be taken with food or after meals.

Storage Condition

Dexibu should be stored at room temperature away from direct light and moisture. Keep it away from pets, children, and any other medicines.

Volume of Distribution

Dexibu has a volume of distribution of approximately 0.5 l/kg.

Half Life

The half-life of Dexibu is approximately 2-3 hours.


The clearance rate of Dexibu is approximately 0.7 ml/min/kg.

Here you find in details version of Dexibu

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Dexibu

What is Dexibu?

Dexibu is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used to reduce symptoms of inflammation and pain.

What are the uses of Dexibu?

Dexibu is used to treat pain, inflammation, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and juvenile arthritis.

How should I take Dexibu?

Dexibu should be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. The usual adult dose is 200 to 400 mg every 4 to 6 hours.

Is Dexibu safe?

Yes, Dexibu is generally safe when taken as prescribed. However, like any medicine, there may be side effects or interactions with other medications.

Is Dexibu habit-forming?

No, Dexibu is not habit-forming and does not have any known abuse potential.

Are there any food or drink interactions with Dexibu?

Yes, Dexibu may interact with alcohol, caffeine, and certain foods. Therefore, it is important to check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking Dexibu.

What are the possible side effects of Dexibu?

Common side effects of Dexibu include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and headache. More serious side effects can occur, so it is important to talk to your doctor if you experience any unusual symptoms while taking Dexibu.

Does Dexibu have any interactions with other medications?

Yes, Dexibu may interact with some other medications, including aspirin, warfarin, and other NSAIDs. It is important to consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medications in combination with Dexibu.

What is the maximum daily dose of Dexibu?

The maximum daily dose of Dexibu is 800 mg per day for adults. For children, the maximum daily dose is determined based on age and weight.

What is the difference between Dexibu and ibuprofen?

Dexibu is a newer, long-acting version of ibuprofen, with a longer duration of action in the body. Dexibu is usually taken less frequently than ibuprofen, and is only available as a prescription medication.

Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take Dexibu?

It is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women to take Dexibu. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consult their doctor before taking any medication, including Dexibu.

Is Dexibu the same as aspirin or acetaminophen?

No, Dexibu is not the same as aspirin or acetaminophen. Dexibu is an NSAID, while aspirin and acetaminophen are not NSAIDs.

How does Dexibu work?

Dexibu works by blocking the production of certain chemicals in the body that cause inflammation and pain. This provides relief from the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis.

Can I take Dexibu with other medications?

It is not recommended to take Dexibu with certain other medications, such as aspirin, warfarin, or other NSAIDs. Consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking Dexibu with any other medication.

How long does it take for Dexibu to work?

It can take up to an hour for Dexibu to start relieving pain and inflammation. The effects of Dexibu can last for up to six hours.

In what form is Dexibu available?

Dexibu is available as a tablet, capsule, suspension, and injection. It is also available as an oral liquid for children.

How long does Dexibu take to leave the body?

The half-life of Dexibu is about 8 hours, so it takes an average of 24 to 36 hours for the drug to be completely eliminated from the body.

Can I buy Dexibu over-the-counter?

No, Dexibu is not available over the counter. It is only available by prescription from a doctor.

Is Dexibu addictive?

No, Dexibu is not an addictive drug and has no known abuse potential.

What happens if I take too much Dexibu?

Taking too much Dexibu can cause serious side effects like nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, drowsiness, headache, dizziness, or blurred vision. In some cases, it can even cause stomach or intestinal bleeding. If you take too much Dexibu, you should seek immediate medical attention.

Can I take Dexibu if I have liver or kidney problems?

It is not recommended for people with liver or kidney problems to take Dexibu. People with liver or kidney problems should consult their doctor before taking any medication.

Can Dexibu cause drowsiness?

Yes, Dexibu can cause drowsiness or dizziness in some people. It is important to check with your doctor before taking Dexibu if you are taking other medications that can cause drowsiness.

Does Dexibu interact with other substances?

Yes, Dexibu can interact with certain substances, such as alcohol, caffeine, and certain foods. It is important to discuss all medications and substances with your doctor before taking Dexibu.

How long can I take Dexibu safely?

It is not recommended to take Dexibu for longer than 10 days without consulting a doctor. Taking Dexibu for an extended period of time can increase the risk of serious side effects.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Dexibu?

If you miss a dose of Dexibu, take it as soon as you remember. Do not take two doses at once. If you take too much Dexibu, seek immediate medical attention.

Is Dexibu covered by insurance?

It depends. Most health insurance plans cover some or all of the cost of Dexibu. Check with your insurance provider for details on your coverage.

Are there any long-term side effects of taking Dexibu?

Long-term use of Dexibu can increase the risk of stomach or intestinal bleeding, heart attack, stroke, and kidney damage. If you are taking Dexibu for a prolonged period of time, it is important to talk to your doctor about the risks.

Does Dexibu affect blood pressure?

Yes, Dexibu can cause an increase in blood pressure. People with high blood pressure should consult their doctor before taking any medication, including Dexibu.

Can children take Dexibu?

Dexibu is approved for use in children as young as 2 years old. The dose and form of Dexibu used in children will be determined by the doctor and should be taken according to the doctor’s instructions.

Is Dexibu a steroid?

No, Dexibu is not a steroid. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).

What will happen if I stop taking Dexibu suddenly?

It is not recommended to stop taking Dexibu suddenly. If you need to stop taking Dexibu, talk to your doctor about how to do so safely.

Can I take Dexibu with food?

Yes, Dexibu can be taken with or without food. However, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and not take more than the recommended dose.

What other medications can I take with Dexibu?

It is important to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking any medications in combination with Dexibu, as some medications can interact with it. Some medications that are safe to take with Dexibu include acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and topical creams.

Can Dexibu be used for headaches?

Yes, Dexibu can be used for the temporary relief of headaches. If you experience frequent or severe headaches, it is important to talk to your doctor.

Does Dexibu help with swelling?

Yes, Dexibu is commonly used to reduce pain and swelling associated with conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Can I take Dexibu if I have a history of stomach ulcers?

It is not recommended for people with a history of stomach ulcers to take Dexibu. People with a history of stomach ulcers should talk to their doctor before taking any medication.

Can Dexibu help with menstrual cramps?

Yes, Dexibu can help to relieve pain associated with menstrual cramps. If menstrual cramps are severe or frequent, it is important to talk to a doctor.

Is Dexibu suitable for people with allergies?

Yes, Dexibu is suitable for people with allergies. People with allergies should check with their doctor before taking any medication, including Dexibu.

Can I take Dexibu with an antacid?

Yes, you can take Dexibu with an antacid. However, it is important to take antacids at least two hours before or after taking Dexibu to ensure maximum effectiveness.